Today, our stake got a new stake presidency. For those of you that aren't members of our church, its organized into what we call wards, which are headed by a bishop and his two councilors. And then several wards are organized into a stake, which is headed by a stake president and his two councilors. Stake presidents usually serve for about ten years or so, and as you can imagine, is quite a responsibility and a highly respected position.
Let me start out by expressing my thanks to President Williams, President Kent, and President Palmer. These are great men, whose example lead many to to good, and grow closer to The Savior. Their words and council have helped my testimony grow. I am grateful for their humble service, and I know that they will be blessed for it.
I am also grateful for the process of succession in the church. As what brought up in the meeting today, in this time of hostility and in this contentious environment that is brought about every presidential election, its nice to see a succession without tension, or debate. I believe that its because this church is not run or organized by man, but by the Lord. I know that these new men are called of God to serve this stake at this time, and I'll do my best to sustain them.
It was an interesting experience to see how the process was done. There wasn't a whole lot of fanfare or grandeur, that one might think of with a calling as large as this. It was a simple and humble unanimous vote, just like it is with every other calling, all the way down from apostle to nursery leader. Every calling is important to The Lord, no matter how small we perceive it to be. But we must remember that each calling we get gives us the opportunity to serve and make a difference in peoples lives. So lets magnify our calling, and as Elder Uchtdorf said "lift where we stand."
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