I would first like to let yall know that my faith is the defining aspect of my life. So naturally lots of these posts will probably be about LDS topics or have LDS doctrine thrown in there. I hope that those who are not of my faith will learn from these, and not get offended. If there are any questions feel free to ask.
Members of the church are familiar with the quote "The Constitution will hang by a thread, and the Elders of Israel are the only ones who can save it," or something along those lines. Here are some thoughts about this interesting quote.
For one, it says that the Elders of Israel are the only ones that could save it. That doesn't mean that they will. There is the chance that the Constitution of the United States might be lost!
We have learned from The Book of Mormon, and latter-day prophets that America is a promised land, set apart for the righteous of man. Nephi and his family were brought here, as was the Brother of Jared and his family. But both of those civilizations were completely lost because of sin and iniquities. The Lord has said, "If ye keep My commandments ye shall prosper in the land. But inasmuch as ye will not keep my commandments ye shall be cut off from my presence." Both these peoples were cut of from the Lords presence, and were lost.
The United States moral status has declined throughout the years. Things that were socially unacceptable are now considered normal. What was once considered pornographic can now be seen on billboards all across the country. Abortions are preformed in the millions every year, a practice that has been condemned by God. Traditional values are fading, and what was once considered sacred, is now treated with jest. Humility is seen as weakness, and pride as strength, and we know what pride leads too. Just ask the Nephites.
As members of the church we believe that the framers of the constitution were divinely inspired to create that document so that the restoration could be ushered in. It has, and the church is moving like the stone rolling down the mountain. It has spread all over the world. America's reason for being has been accomplished. The gospel has been restored, and will not be taken away again. But America has served its purpose.
We are now as the Nephites. But will we follow the Lords side, or trust in the arm of flesh?
I love my country and pray that it will last forever. But especially as these elections approach we must realize that this land is ours on account of our righteousness, and as we cease to heed the Lord and his words we will be cut off from it. The constitution doesn't have to be saved, but will we rise to the occasion and do so? I sure hope so.
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