Well, I had been waiting for this Bowie duel all year.
Westlake has never beaten Bowie in a duel before, but the last few years have been really close, and it looked like this was going to be or chance.
My opponent was is 2
nd in the region right behind
Osorio. He is an accomplished wrestler who went to state last year. I was really pumped up to go against him. Right off the bat I took him down twice. I let him know that I was here to wrestle. It was a good match, but down the stretch I got a little gassed, and he came out on top, 11-7. The team
didnt fare very well, calls
didnt go our way, and we just
didnt wrestle very well all together. The final was 42-19.
Here are the complete results, and a link to a news article about the duel. Then this last weekend was the
Centex tournament. It was a two day tournament and had huge implications for my chances at making state this year.
Centex is basically the regional tournament, that I have to place in the top four to qualify to go to state. However there were also some teams from Dallas and Houston that came as well. So it's a big deal, and lots of the matches will effect my
seedings for the regional tournament. But
unfortunately for this one, I got a lousy seed again. Something that I have become all to familiar with this season.
So on
friday, my first match was against a kid from San Antonio Johnson. We was pretty good, but I wrestled pretty well, and beat him 9-2. I rode him much better than I had before, and felt pretty good about it.
My second match was against that same Madison kid that I have already wrestled against twice. Each time I'm getting closer and closer, but I
couldnt quite pull it out. This was another one of those times. He ended up winning 11-6 I
beleive. So I get kicked into the consolations.
Next was a nice kid from Georgetown, which is in my district. I
hadnt really wrestled
alot of people in this district, so this was a good chance to see what some of the competition was like. I pinned him in the first period. He's a nice kid though, I talked to him a bit before the match, and
wish him best of luck for the rest of the season.
And the fourth and final match of the first day came against a kid from Austin LBJ. I had to wait a while for him to show up because there was a misunderstanding with the LBJ coach, and he told his kids they could go home. But we waited for them to get back and I wrestled him. I was ready to go home, so I stuck him in the second.
Saturday morning came, and I started it off by wrestling a guy from Dallas Jesuit. He was a good wrestler, and I was only up by a few points in the third till I took him down and caught him in a front headlock cradle. I pinned him with 1 second left in the match.
After him, I wrestled the New
Braunfels guy that I wrestled earlier at the Russ
Pederson meet. I really like him, he's a nice guy and a solid wrestler. We had a tight match, but I pulled it out 5-2.
And then in the semi-finals for the consolation bracket, I got to wrestle that good old San Antonio Madison guy again. 4
th times a charm right? This was by far the best I ever wrestled him. I took him down on a real shot for the first time, and
didnt have to much of a problem escaping. He was only up by one point with about 40 seconds to with me on top, so I cut him to try to get the
takedown for the tie. Again, I took my shot and he did the funky things that he always does, and he ended up getting the
takedown. So I am right there with him, and hope to finally come out on top when it matters most. The final was 10-6.
So that put ended my day in the consolation semi's for 5-6
th place. But the first Johnson kid that I beat made it all the way to the consolation semi's too. So that puts me at 5
th place, one less than I need to be for state. But the kid who got second
isnt in my region, so take him away and that puts me at fourth. And I am really close to being able to beat the Bowie and Madison kid who got 4
th and 3rd at this tournament. So I'm right where I need to be.
The team as a whole did awesome! We got second overall with
alot of holes in our line up, and having some guys wrestle up some weight classes.
For more detailed results click here. I was very pleased with the way I wrestled. My shots have improved
astronomically, and my escapes are becoming more fluid and
consistent. I'm really feeling like I'm wrestling the best I have and hope that I'll continue to get better as the season continues.
RECORD: 14-9; 8 pins